The Governance


 The President of the Park Consortium, chosen from among persons of demonstrated professional ability, is appointed by Decree of the Minister for the Environment, in conjunction with the Minister of Productive Activities and the Minister of Education, University and Research, and in agreement with the President of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia. The President is appointed for a term of four years and can be extended for only one more term. He acts as the legal representative of the Consortium, appears in any kind of court proceedings and promotes urgent actions and measures that cannot be differed, for the protection of the interests of the Park Authority. The office of President of the Geomining Park Consortium is incompatible with any other political-elective office. THE DIRECTOR Dr. Ciro Pignatelli The Director of the Park Consortium, chosen from among persons of proven competence and experience, gained in leadership experiences and carried out both in public and private sector, is appointed by the Board of Directors, according to the procedures identified by the statute. The Director of the Geomining Park is responsible for the management of the Park Authority and is accountable for the exercise of its powers to the Board of Directors. As head of an articulated administrative structure, the Director is responsible for the adoption of administrative and private law acts and provisions, including all the acts that commit the consortium towards outside, as well as the organization of human, instrumental and control resources . The Director is responsible for the Park's activities, its management and the relative results pursued by carrying on the activities identified in the statute. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS The functions of the Executive Council are currently carried on by the Extraordinary Commissioner. The Board of Directors consists of the President of the Park Consortium and sixteen members:

  •  four, on behalf and on the proposal of the Ministries
  • four on behalf and on the proposal of the autonomous Region of Sardinia
  • four on behalf and on the proposal of the municipalities
  • four on behalf and on the proposal of the provinces included in the Park Community

The Presidents and the members of the Board of Directors, chosen among persons of proven professional experience, are appointed by decree of the Minister for Environment, Land and Sea, in concert with the Ministers of productive activities, of education, university and research, and for cultural heritage and activities and tourism, and in agreement with the President of the Sardinia Region. The Board of Directors is appointed for a term of four years and each members can be extended for only one more term. The members of the Board of Directors will expire upon termination of the administrative mandate of the origin institution. The Board of Directors, according to what is better specified in the statute:

  • sets up the Park regulations,
  • exercises the political-administrative functions, defining objectives and programs to be implemented
  • decides on acts that fall within these functions
  • verifies the compliance of the results of the administrative and management activities, in accordance with set out guidelines.

THE PARK COMMUNITY Mayor of Iglesias, Mr. Pierluigi Carta The official website of the Park Community is The Park Community is composed of a representative for each legal entity or body that joints to the Park. The members of the Park Community are appointed for a period corresponding to the mandate of the institution of origin that has expressed them and, in any case, until their  successors. The Community consists of 7 Provinces, 81 Municipalities and 2 Universities. Municipalities and Provinces are represented respectively by the Mayor and the President, or by their delegate. The Park Community carries out the deliberative, consultative and guiding functions provided for in the statute. THE COLLEGE OF AUDITORS The College of Auditors, appointed by Decree of the President of the Regional Council of Sardinia, on the proposal of the Regional Councilor for environmental protection, and in agreement with the Minister for the Environment, Land and Sea, consists of:

  • a standing member acting as president designated by the Ministry of Economy and Finance
  • a standing member and an alternate designated by the President of the Regional Council of Sardinia
  • a standing member and an alternate designated by the Regional Councilor for environmental protection

The College of Auditors exercises the accounting control on the consortium's activities, according to the procedures established in the specific accounting regulation, adopted by the Board of Directors, according to the principles contained in the Law 9 May 1989, n. 168, and according to the principles of State accounting, as per the relevant laws. Auditors must be included in the relevant register. SCIENTIFIC TECHNICAL COMMITTEE The Committee consists of the Regional Secretary of the Ministry of cultural heritage and activities and Sardinia tourism, the representatives appointed by the Universities of Cagliari and Sassari, and the Autonomous Region of Sardinia. The Scientific Technical Committee provides advices on urban planning and construction matters and on the adoption of all the administration acts.