The geosites of Sardinia

The geosites of Sardinia

In recent years, a form of tourism based on the geological environment has become increasingly popular, known as "Geotourism", which aims to promote the history of a site, its traditions and culture, actively contributing to the well-being of local communities, since represents one of the most sought-after job opportunities by young geologists and naturalists, who often work as guides and, at the same time, are engaged in scientific activities with universities.

With the recent reform of the Historical and Environmental Geomining Park of Sardinia, with the new Ministerial Decree, dated 8 September 2016 and published on the Italian G.U. n. 250 dated 25 October 2016, Authority’s competences regarding scientific, cultural and popular activities in the field of geology, are extended to all the Region. As a result of RAS Resolution no. 34/10 of 2 September 2014, which calls the Park Authority to “a direct participation in the historical and cultural heritage management of disused mining assets and sites, and in promotion activities for scientific and cultural purposes of the geological heritage of Sardinia ”, the Park Authority replied with a project concerning the census, cataloging, enhancement and use of Environmental and Historical Cultural Values of Sardinia.

With this project the Park Authority aims to highlight and make known the richness of the Island geodiversity and, at the same time, enhance the geological heritage and contribute to creating the conditions for sustainable development, with a view to environmental tourism that favored the diffusion of geotourism, as well as recovery and protection of environmental values, with particular reference to the natural heritage ones.