Mine of Funtana Raminosa


The Funtana Raminosa mine (Gadoni) is located in central Sardinia in an area particularly rich in landscape and environmental resources. The earliest mining evidences date back to the Copper Age. The prospectors of the time, going up the Flumendosa and along the valley of the Riu Saraxinus, discovered the chalcopyrite mineralizations which were then systematically exploited in the Bronze Age. Belonging to the Nuragic era have been recognized numerous traces of workmanship and in a well the miserable remains of a miner killed by a landslide. The exploitation of the deposits continued by the Phoenicians, Romans and Saracens. Despite the wealth in silver was the highest of Sardinia, with levels up to 9 kg/t, the separation of the useful mineral (copper, silver, lead, zinc and iron mixed sulfides) encountered always difficulties, influencing the mining activities that for these reasons dates back to comparatively modern times. The declaration of discovery of the mine dates back to 1913. In 1987 all activities were suspended and in 2000 the concession was transferred to the Company IGEA SpA which currently manages the site and carries out guided tours for cultural tourism.

Mobile: +39 345 0789622

Ph: +39 0784 627000

E-mail: funtanaraminosa.prenotazioni@gmail.com

Website: www.visitgadoni.info