Nivola Museum
adminThe Nivola Museum in Orani is an institution dedicated to the great artistic figure of Costantino Nivola (Orani, 1911 – East Hampton, New York, USA, 1988). It houses the world's most important collection of the great artist's works; these are sculptures, paintings and drawings, over 200 works acquired through successive donations. The museum was established in 1995, a few years after his death. In addition to Nivola's works, the museum hosts temporary exhibitions always dedicated to the relationship between art, architecture and landscape, topics very dear to the author, with particular attention to artists and cultural movements close to Nivola, who had important friendships with Le Corbusier, Jackson Pollock, Saul Steinberg, Willem de Kooning, Alexander Calder and many other protagonists of the art of modernism.
Thanks to a project by Peter Chermayeff and Umberto Floris, the museum headquarters is set in Orani’s renovated old wash house, which was very dear to Nivola as he considered it a "symbolic place" of the town’s ancient community life, enjoying a panoramic hilltop position, within which the source of the Sun Càntaru stream is found. In 2004 the exhibition spaces were expanded with the construction, in the green area below the wash house, of a pavilion designed by Chermayeff again. Subsequently, in 2012, thanks to an international competition won by Gianfranco Crisci, a third, partially underground structure was added to the museum complex, located at the end of the panoramic square where the wash house stands.
The museum offers an articulated array of training projects aimed at schools of all levels (students and teachers) but also at adults, families, associations, the University of the third age, users with disabilities and cultural tourism.
To support the educational offer, it is possible to take advantage of a catering service of packed lunches, snacks, etc. in coordination with the local restaurant.
For further information please visit the Museum website