UNESCO Dossier
The Dossier presented to UNESCO set up by the Sardinian Mining Institute in 1997 contained the main guidelines for the establishment of the Geomining Park The document identified the eight areas that structure the Park and for each of them a general but exhaustive cognitive framework as part of the examination which concerned the mining geological naturalistic historical and archaeologicalindustrial main aspects of the concerned territories
The Dossier contained also a complete a photo reportage and represented a schematic framework of the socioeconomic development as well as museum educational scientific and technological aspects of the Geomining Park
On the occasion of the UNESCO General Conference held in Paris from 24 October to 12 November 1997 UNESCO examined positively and welcomed the proposal of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia reported in the Dossier to include the Historical and Environmental Geomining Park of Sardinia in the UNESCO Geosites Geoparks worldwide network as the first emblematic example of international value
Click here to download the UNESCO Dossier
Charter of Cagliari
The Charter took into account the General Conference of UNESCO held in Paris from 24th October to 12 November 1997 during which the worldwide Geosites Geoparks network is established with the aim of protecting and enhancing the technicalscientific historical cultural and environmental heritage of sites where man since his origins and everywhere on the planet has used geological and mineral resources
On 30 September 1998 the Charter of Cagliari was signed by UNESCO the Italian Government the Autonomous Region of Sardinia the UNESCO Italian National Commission the Sardinian Mining Authority the University of Cagliari and the University of Sassari This undersigning officialised the recognition of the Historical and Environmental Geomining Park of Sardinia by UNESCO
The Charter is a tool to safeguard and protect the values present in the territory with particular reference to
geological context
technicalscientific heritage related to art technology and mining engineering works
heritage of industrial archeology
documentary heritage of works settlements traditions knowledge customs and human events of mining activity
Finally the Charter stated that the features present in the Park territories must be preserved and enhanced in order to promote the economic social and cultural development of the concerned populations and ensure their transmission to future generations
Click here to download the Cagliari Charter
Feasibility study
Completed in July 2000 the study had the task to identify the cognitive and programmatic framework that outlined the necessary actions to safeguard and protect all the relevant elements from a cultural environmental and industrial archaelogic point of view and to evaluate costs and revenues related to the implementation of the enhancement programme and the socioeconomic potential that the Historical and Environmental Geomining Park of Sardinia could generate in the Region in particular in the areas historically interested by mining activities
Within the document it was possible to consult the technical sheets of the proposed actions organized by area of intervention Furthermore an example of the most representative cartography was provided map of mining areas and limits of areas of interest map of environmental values map of the management network and the cultural system and the main nodes of the network on the territory
Consult the summary of the Feasibility Study
Decree establishing the Park
Published in the Italian Official Gazette n 265 of 14 November 2001
Published in the Official Gazette n 67 of 20 March 2004