Mine of Rosas
Narcao (SU)
Site Category: Mining
The Rosas mine (Narcao) is the second oldest mining concession of Sardinia. In ancient times the whole area was interested by mining exploitation by Romans and then Pisa.
The Rosas mine was granted in 1851 for the exploitation of galena to the Società Anonima dell'Unione Miniere Sulcis e Sarrabus. In 1900 the mining concession was extended to zinc and copper minerals. In 1930 the mine property passed to the Società Anonima Miniere di Rosas that also acquired in 1933 the neighboring concessions of Mitza Sermentus and Truba Niedda (Bega Trotta). Mining exploitation continued until the early '60s with the Società AMMI SpA and ceased in 1979 until the definitive grant disclaim in 1984. In the Rosas mine in 1908, for the first time in the world was discovered the rosasite a carbonate of zinc and copper with hydroxyl group. Rosasite, named after the Rosas mine, is an identity "type mineral specie" of Sardinia.
Miniere Rosas Association
Ph: +39 0781 1855139
Mobile: +39 329 2773342
Website: www.ecomuseominiererosas.it
E-mail: info@ecomuseominiererosas.it